February 13, 2012

Struth! Priest rescued from 'spiritual retreat'

IN his continuing search for the more weird, wacky and wondrous in the world of travel, David Ellis says a priest's "spiritual retreat" on the now well-publicised Costa Concordia landed him not only in the ocean, but in hot water as well.

The 41-year-old priest told parishioners that he was going on the "spiritual retreat" for a couple of weeks, and had arranged for a substitute priest to cover for him while he took time out to reflect on his vows, and to meditate and pray.

He was busted on Facebook after his niece, who was with him on the ship, posted that she and all her family, "including uncle Massimo", were safe and well.

One angry parishioner told a local newspaper in the priest's town: "It's a bit difficult to understand how he was going to go on a spiritual retreat on board a cruise liner."

(Photo: Marine Conservation Institute)

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